Aiming to showcase the unique and new Mallet London 'Reactive Camo Pack' for AW22 - we looked at brining metal to life, and how we could physically link the metal to the shoe. Be warned, this concept looks a little like aliens crashed our set.



After an initial discussion on the concept, the main aim of the creative was to really bring together both the camouflage and metallic updates. Subtly playing on the ideas of form and function, the concept creatively utilised the shape-shifting and mesmerizing reactions of ferromagnetic fluid. We see the fluid moving on the shoe and finding its place within the print, whilst it's natural dark, light reflecting and inky metallic aesthetic really completes a dramatic and classicly Mallet look.


Really maximising on all of these dramatic details, this is how we visualised the stills set build coming together. On a foundation of black perspex - for added reflection - the silhouette sits on top of a small platform lined with magnetics, drawing the ferromagnetic fluid to it. The inspiration for the backdrop comes from the colourway name - Storm. Whilst this isn't a focus of the concept it does add to the dark drama of the silhouette and concept and really amplifies that greyscale colour scheme. It almost adds a sense of anticipation - there is a storm coming.



We buit a small wooden frame and then cable tied a metal frame over the top. This enabled Emma to trim and attach the green’ary to it. She was able to build up layers with the foliage rather than if we had left them in their pots etc. We used a little hack to stand the shoe within the bell jar (can’t relive all the secrets) and then placed them both on a rotating platform.




We wanted the video to feel seamless with the stills, so we had an LED screen at the back of the set playing the storm clouds loop, we captured the eeriness of the liquid by using slow focus and making is form and then disappear. The video was filmed at the same time as the stills making it


